We are proud to collaborate with Lamar University to provide a unique experience, internships and community service opportunities to the students. We work with all of our Lamar volunteers by working around your schedule! If you are interested in volunteering with us, scroll down to "Applications and Background Check" to submit your information.
We love the Southeast Texas community and our community volunteers are amazing! We could not successfully run this organization without our dedicated volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering with us, scroll down to "Applications and Background Check" to submit your information.
Volunteers must be at least 18 years old, complete a volunteer application, pass a federal and national background check and attend orientation before any volunteer is allowed to volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering with us, scroll down to "Applications and Background Check" to submit your information.
Our internship program is for Lamar University students looking for an internship for community service hours, job experience or academic. All internship applicants must complete an Internship Application and submit a federal background check before an interview will be scheduled with the Executive Director.
The purpose of an internship is to exchange job responsibilities for high quality experience which students will be able to apply their academic training in a real world setting, develop skills and grow personally in career and personal goals.
For you to receive academic credit for your internship, it is your responsibility to consult with your department head or faculty staff that is in charge of the class you are wanting credit for. This Internship Description is a generic description that we use for all Lamar University departments and colleges.
Volunteers must be at least 18 years old, complete a volunteer application, pass a federal and national background check and attend orientation before any volunteer is allowed to volunteer.
Our internship program is for Lamar University students looking for an internship for community service hours, job experience or academic. The purpose of an internship is to exchange job responsibilities for high quality experience which students will be able to apply their academic training in a real world setting, develop skills and grow personally in career and personal goals.
Welcome to the Lewis Health and Safety Nonprofit Organization! Our mission is to provide age and developmentally appropriate training courses and programs that will give the skills and confidence to act in emergency situations and prepare for disasters in the Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana communities.
Your time and talent can make a real difference in people's lives. Our need for volunteers is constant and continues to evolve as we navigate this health crisis. Please rest assured that we are working with public health officials to help keep our communities and our volunteers safe.
Please maintain a copy of your Volunteer Application and Volunteer Forms & Orientation paperwork. It is your responsibility to notify our office if any information has changed since you completed your forms.
Thank you for your time and your commitment. Without our volunteers, we would not be able to achieve our mission and vision for this organization.